The Change - Chapter 14
I gave him the food bags and hugged him before I left to Harry and Niall. They had started to do some kind of dance in the car. It looked fun. I looked at Harry and he laughed. From the second I got to know of my disease I've started to think, Why did I have to meet him?
Hi! Sorry for not publishing the chapter! But I've been busy and this weekend I'm busy too nut I'll give you a chapter on sunday-monday! :) I LOVE YOU x Enjoy! ^o^
I shot the sad thoughts away and smiled. Harry looked out from the car and saw me. He smiled and waved, I waved back and opened the door and sat down in the back. Harry leaned over the seat and kissed me. "I missed you." He wispered. I felt the tears burning behind my eyes. "I was only gone for like ten minuits..." I said and smiled. Harry laughed and turned around to start the car. I looked beside him and Niall looked at me with an expression of wonder. It looked like he wanted to say something but ignored it and turned around. "Let's go to Sarah's!!" Niall shouted and Harry laughed.
We stopped the car outside of a big white house. Sarah sent methe addres and this is where we ended up. The black door opened and Sarah started running towards us. She had a bag on her shoulder. I walked out of the car to hug her. And as I planned, we met in a big comfy hug. "How are you feeling?" She wispered. "Like a peach!" I said and smiled. We jumped in to the car and started talking about what movie we should watch and so on. Niall stealed a glance at Sarah now and then and everytime both of them blushed.
"So?" Sarah said and looked excited. We were sitting on the bed painting each others nails. "So what?" Asked and she gave me the Are-you-stupid-or-what look. "Well? What happened! You spent a night with your love something must've happened! Give me detail, now." She said and I laughed. I blushed too.. "Oh my god! You did it!? How was it!?" I covered her mouth. Then looked behind me so that no one had heard a thing. "It a dream?" I said and her eyes got big. "Did it...hurt?" She asked. The question shocked me 'cause with Sarahs looks I already thought she wasn't a ''virgin'' anymore.. So I just sat there quiet but then I started laughing and laughing. It was kinda hard to stop actually. "Yes, a little?" Sarahs eyes got bigger. "Hello girls! What are you talking about?" Both me and Sarah turned around to the door. And in through the door Harry and Niall came. We looked at each other and at the same time me and Sarah started laughing hard. Niall and Harry just looked confused and that made us laugh even harder. If they had come in just a few seconds earlier they would have heard everything! That would have been too embarrasing. Both Niall and Harry sighed but then they smiled and attacked us in a tickling fight. "Tell us what did you laugh at?" Harry said and tickled me. How could he possibly think I could tell him while he tickled me? I screamed and laughed. "Please stop Harry!" I shouted, "I'll stop when you spill it." He said and contiuned with his tickling. "Niall, if you stop I'll cook you dinner!" I heard Sarah saying and then Niall stopped tikling her. What does Harry like? What does Harry like? How bad are you allowed to be when it comes to knowledge about your boyfriend!? I know he likes cat's and his favorit food is Tacos. But the thing he likes most in the whole world what is it!? "It's you." Harry said and stopped tickling me just to hug me tightly instead. "What?" I asked but I didn't hug back. "The thing I like the most in the whole world is you." He said and I felt his heart beating faster and faster, so did mine. "I like you too... no, let me change that, I love you.." I said and Harrys heart sonded as if it was on the verge of exploding. "Uhm, Sarah.. I think this is our signal." I heard Niall say and Sarah giggled. "Please be dressed when I come to get you when te food is ready~" Sarah said and I hurried to throw a pillow after her but it just hit the door. I sighed and contiuned to lay on Harrys stomah, it was warm and I could hear his heartbeat. It was calming.
I felt my heart beating faster and faster. How could three words possibly make me this happy? We just layed there on the bed and didn't say a word. It wasn't awkward just... comfortable? It was nice. I felt her hearbeats, it was beating fast but it didn't really beat like it should.. Maybe she's still nervos? She's too cute.. What should I do when we leave for next country? It's just nine days left.. When will we be able to come back to this place? "Mindy?" I asked and Mindy took a deep breath. "Mmm?" She said and snuggled up in my neck. I patted her head. "I love you too.." I said and smiled. Mindy giggled. "I already knew that." She said and sighed. It's been like five days since we met and I old take a bullet for her.
Come ON!!

Tack för din medverkan! :) x J
The Change - Chapter 13 - Part 2
Mindy and Niall was waiting in the car. Niall wanted to come with us to see that we bought the right sort of food. Niall was in the front seat and Mindy in the back. She was laughing at him and he was laughing at her. I tried not to feel jealous.
"We're here!" I said and stopped the car. We all stepped out and Niall seemed to be over excited. I guess it was a long time ago since he got to go to the supermarket.

Hi Everyone! I Hope you'll Enjoy the Chapter, I want 5 comments untill Chapter 14. Love You! x
Both of them started to run in to the supermarket. "Hey! Wait for me!" I shouted but they were to far away to hear. I hurried to lock the car and ran after them.
When I came in to the store I saw Niall and Mindy arguing. Niall tried to lay a beachball in the trolley but Mindy seemed to stop him. I laughed and walked towards them. "Harry! Tell her! We need this ball!" Niall said and made the puppy eyes. I looked at Mindy and she looked back at me. "You don't even have a pool! It's just waste of money!" She said. And she was right. "Niall, she's right.." I said and Niall looked grumpy. "Yeah, just take the girlfriends side. That's what you all do!" He said and started walking away. Mindy ran to him and gave him the beachball. He almost killed her in a hug. She laughed and hugged him back. I felt the jealousy growing inside me. I tried to ignore it though.. Mindy had a small red thing she carried and plucked in stuff. Probably for her brother... Niall though, had a big supermarket trolley. They did a few arguing more. Stuff like wich meat is better. Why we don't need balloons.. Niall seemed to want everything in the store. But he gave up after a few minuits, he did get Mindy to let him buy some sweets and candy. We bought some crisps too. I guess Mindy gave up in the end. My phone started vibrating. The screen tolb me that it was Zayn. "Harry on tha phonieee!" I answered and Zayn sighed. "Harry please stop answering like that." Zayn said and I laughed. "But it's so much fun to answer like that! Anyway, what did you want?" I asked. "I was just going to sy that me Liam and Louis will be sleeping over at our girlfriends so it's only gonna be you, Mindy and Niall tonight." He said and I looked at the two of them. "Okay! Have fun and say Hi to the others from me!" We hung up and I told Mindy and Niall about what Zayn just said. "Wooow! we will surley have so much fun! Let's watch movies and eat unhealthy stuff!" Mindy said and started to get excited. "And let's call Sarah!" She said and Niall started running around. "Yeeei! Sarah's comming!" He shouted and almost everyonearound us started staring. "Niall, we still don't know if Sarah has anything planned." Mindy said and Niall stopped jumping around. "Let me call her then!" He said and I laughed. Mindy sighed and gave him her phone. He made the thumps up and ran away."He sure has a carefree spirit that guy, huh?" She said and sighed. I hugged her from behind and she looked up on me. "He's just inlove." I said and she gave me a sceptical look. "I'm just saying that I understand his feelings!" I said and Mindy blushed.
We paid and went out to the car. Niall still talked in the phone with Sarah. "Niall if you talk any longer you will have to pay my phone bill!" I shouted at him. He heard me and said to Sarah that he had to go. "Sorry Mindy... But we will get Sarah in one hour." He said and gave me my phone. I sighed and jumped in to the car. Harry laughed at something and started the car.
When we came to my place I told them to stay in the car. They both nodded and sung to the raadio. I laughed at them and took the three bags full of food. I opened the door, it wasn't locked so Fredrick must be home... "FREDRICK!?" I shouted and he came out from his room. His hair was a mess and he rubbed his eyes and yawned. "Hi, Min!" He aid and hugged me. My bbrothers warmth is something no one can replace. "How are you feeling today? You're resting well right? You have to do as the doctor says." He said and put on his serious face. "Actually, Harry got me to quit the gas station, so now I'll just work at my other three jobs plus I still have my supplementary lessons." I said and Fredrick looked suprised. "I like that guy more and more." He said and I laughed. I gave him the food bags and hugged him before I left to Harry and Niall. They had started to do some kind of dance in the car. It looked fun. I looked at Harry and he laughed. From the second I got to know of my disease I've started to think, Why did I have to meet him?
The Change - Chapter 13 - Part 1
I tried to catch my breath and laid my head on Harry's chest. He was shaking. "You're shaking.." I said and he patted my head. "I'll be fine." He said "I love you." I said and then I fell asleep.

''Mommy, mommy! Look at this!" I turned around and a girl about two years old ran towards me with a Daisy in her hand. Why did she call me mommy? Someone hugged me from behind, I've felt the strength from those arms before. I turned around but all I saw was Harry, walking away. "Wait, Harry? Harry! STOP!" I shouted but he disapeared. I tried to run after him bbut the child grabbed my hand and dragged me to the other way.
I woke up with a flinch and realised I was sweating a lot. I sighed and got up. Took my bag and sneaked out of the room so that I wouldn't wake Harry up.
When I saw myself in the mirror I almost fainted. My hair! What have I done!? It looked like a bird nestle.. I sighed and brushed my teeth. "Hi, Beautiful." I spit out the toothpaste in the sink and turned to the doorstep. Harry was standing there with a huge smile on his face. His morning voice made my knees shake. I smiled at him too. He came up to me and hugged me then he gave me a morning kiss. I smiled against his lips and so did he. Then he pointed at my head. "Looks like a bird nestle." I laughed at him. "I thought so too just a moment ago. You know.. It's partly your fault too." I said and he blushed. "But yesterday was awesome.. Is your body okay?" He asked. When he said ''Awesome'' I felt my face turning red. I nodded and said I had to take a shower. He laughed and left. Honestly, yesterday was my favorite night. I jumped in to the shower and let the hot water run down my body.
I think I was up in thee pink clouds and sung a hhappy song running around. "Someone looks happy?" I turned around and Louis was sitting on my bed. When did he get there!? I smiled at him and nodded. "You know you look like a puppy who just got a new toy, right?" He said. "You're ruining my happy thoughts. Go away!" I said and pushed him out of the room. He just laughed at me then walked away. "Morning, Mindy." I heard he say. I ran to the hallway and Mindy looked at me. "Wow, can't be without me for more than twenty minuits?" She asked and smiled. "Of course not." I said and hugged her. I looked her in the face, she smiled. But it didn't reach her eyes. I was about to ask what it was but her stomach interrupted me. "I'm hungry, let's eat breakfast!" She said and ran away. I giggled and started walking to the kitchen. Then the thought came in to my head. I only have ten days left. And Mindy have supplementary classes and three other jobs on eight days. I'm happy I got her to quit the gas station though.
Mindy and Niall was waiting in the car. Niall wanted to come with us to see that we bought the right sort of food. Niall was in the front seat and Mindy in the back. She was laughing at him and he was laughing at her. I tried not to feel jealous.
"We're here!" I said and stopped the car. We all stepped out and Niall seemed to be over excited. I guess it was a long time ago since he got to go to the supermarket.
Sorry for not updating in a while, I was with a friend and studdied to a test. SORRY! Comment! x
The Change - Chapter 12
Mindy and I started to walk after I had written about twenty autographs. "Harry... I don't feel so good.." I looked at Mindy and she was extremly pale. Then she closed her eyes and fell.

I blinked a few times and sighed a painfull sigh. I was in a white room. The bed I was laying on was really hard. I had a needle in my arm with a transparent fluid flowing in to my body. I sat up and looked around. There was a control on the small table beside the bed. ''Push for help.'' It stood under a red button. I pushed the button and a few minuits later a nurse came in to my room. "You woke up?" She asked. I nodded and smiled. "Yeah.. Uhm.. What happened exactly?" I asked and the same second a doctor came in to the room. "Bessy you can leave, now." He said and the nurse left. "So. What do you think happened?" He asked and sat down on a chair. "Uhm.. I was feeling a bit mushy then I fainted... By the way! Where's Harry?" I said and looked around once again. "The boy had to leave. The visiting hours are over. I want you to know that you have a disease Mindy." The doctor said. "What?" I asked. I heard the words but I didn't want to take them in. What disease? "You've got the disease from overworking and stress. The disease is named, Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy. Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy is a disease of the muscle of the heart in which a portion of the heart-muscle is thickened. This disease is well known as ''Young death'' In this case we have to tell your guardian." He said and I could feel my heart sinking. Young Death? Does that mean I'm going to die? "How long will I live?" I asked and a tear fell down my cheek. "A year.. Two as most." He said and I sighed. Two as most. What about my dreams! I too dream of a life where I can watch my children grow up. I too dream of a beautiful blooming love. And Harry! How should I tell him? "I recomend that you stay on the hospital." I looked up to the doctor. "No! I don't want to stay here! And I want to keep the thing about me a secret. Say it's anemia. All I have to do is rest and then it will be okay. Don't tell anyone but my brother. Esspecially not to a boy with curly hair." I said and he nodded.
The Next Day
Both Sarah and Fredrick was sitting in the room. Sarah didn't really sit but was laying beside me. She got to know my sickness.. I couldn't lie to her and when I tried she saw right through me. But she said it was going to be okay. That I would survive. Fredrick though, blamed himself for letting me work to this point. They both said I had to stop working now but I just laughed at them. I'm going to die anyway so what's the point in quit working. If it will longer my life for just a month I will pass. I told Sarah and Fredrick that they couldn't tell anyone about me. That I don't need sympathy. They said okay and understood. *Knock, knock, knock* The door opened and Harry stepped in. "Hi Mindy!" He said but the smile didn't reach his eyes. Fredrick looked at me. "Let me introduce my boyfriend, Harry Styles. Harry - Fredrick, Fredrick - Harry." Fredricks eyes got big as golfballs. "Since?" He asked. "Just recently." I said. Harry and Fred made a handshake and seemed to get along well.
After a while Fredrick and Sarah left so there was just me and Harry left. "So what's the results?" Harry asked. I looked down on my hands. "It's just anemia. They said that if I rest I'll be fine." I lied. "That's good. Mindy at least quit the gas station?" He asked. "Harry You kno..." I started but he interrupted me. "I'm not asking you. I'm begging you. If you don't I'll have sleepless nights worrying about you." When he say it like that, how am I supposed to react? I sighed. "I have one condition." I said and his face brightened up. "What? I'll do anything!" He said and almost jumped of happiness. "Let me stay at your place while you're still here in New York." I said and blushed. Harry too blushed, his whole face was red and he had stopped jumping. "F-f-fine.. Sure.." He said and smiled.
The nervousness was eating me inside out. I was waiting outside her home, she said she would talk to her brother. When Mindy stepped out of the appartment my heart started racing. She had a bag hanging on her shoulder. "Let's go!" She said and got in to the car. We drove in silence.
"MINDY'S HERE!!" Niall shouted and attacked her in a hug. He hadn't stopped talking about her friend Sarah. Mindy laughed and hugged him back. "Did you bring Sarah too?" He asked and looked behind her. "Sorry Niall.. It's just me." She said. "Haha it's okay! How are you by the way? Heard you fainted yesterday." He said. "I'm fine!" She said and they laughed. Mindy had to take two days off from work. Doctors orders. "So, where should I leave my stuff?" Mindy asked and showed me her bag. "You can chose if you want to sleep with me, the couch or on an extra bed." I said and kinda hoped she would chose the first alternative. "I can sleep in your room on the extra bed." She said and smiled.
We left her stuff on my bed. "So. First night with the girlfriend. Will we expect sounds tonight?" I turned around and Zayn was standing in the doorway. "ZAYN!!" I shouted and he ran away laughing. I looked at Mindy and she blushed alot. "Mindy, it's okay! We will take it slow right?" I said and she nodded. "Thank you Harry." She said and hugged me. "Of course Mindy." I said and hugged her back.
Mindy was laying in my lap and we watched How I Met Your Mother on the TV. Niall and Zayn was cooking in the kitchen, Liam and Louis left to their girlfriends earlier. I fingered in Mindys hair and she sighed. "It feels nice." She said and I smiled. I looked at the clock and it was near 8pm. "Food's ready!" Zayn shouted from the kitchen. Mindy sighed. "I wanna stay here!" I laughed at her and we got up. "They may be bad but it's the taste that counts, right?" Niall said and his face slightly turned pink. On the table there was a plate full of pancakes. "They look awesome!" Mindy said and took a pancake. We all laughed at her and took a pancake each, except for Niall, he took three. The taste was pretty bad but no one said anything about it. Both me and Mindy probaly didn't wanna hurt their feelings.
After the food we all were pretty tired so we decided to go to bed. Mindy though wanted to take a shower first. And I couldn't get the thought of the fact that Mindy was standing naked in my shower away... I feel like a pervert. I was laying in my bed watching twitter. "You can use the bathroom now if you want to.." I looked up and Mindy was standing in the doorstep. She wore a really big T-shirt.. I felt my face turning red. "Uhm.. Yeah.." I said and hurried in to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth, and when I said brush, I meant BRUSH. Like my whole life hung on it. I changed to my PJ's and went out. Mindy was sanding by my desk looking at a small photo I always carry around. "Who's that?" She asked. "My mother." She smiled and turned around. "I'm glad I met you." She said and hugged me. "Why did that sound like a farewell?" I asked. The way she said it sounded like we wouldn't see each other more. "What are you saying, Weird Harry." She said and kissed me. We looked in to each others eyes then kissed again. More passionate this time. And without notice we were laying in my bed. She was on top of me, we roled around so she was the one under. I watched my weight so that I wouldn't crush her. She started unbuttoning my shirt, I kissed her while she did it. When it was off it was my turn to take of her T-shirt. She kicked off my pants and I helped her with it. Now we both were laying in underwears only. She smiled and kissed me gently. Her whole face was blushing, you could tell that this is her first time. "Are you sure?" I asked and she nodded. Her eyes were shining. The whole her was shining. I took of her brah and kissed her. It was hard to keep my eyes off of that area.. We both took off our underwears at the same time.
My heart was racing, I had a hard time breathing. But I was the happiest girl alive at that moment. When Harry was inside me I couldn't keep quiet. It hurt but the pain was the most gentle pain you could ever feel. We rolled around so that I was on top and moved slightly up and down. It was perfect. We both came at the same time and it was the most wonderful feeling I've ever had. I tried to catch my breath and laid my head on Harry's chest. He was shaking. "You're shaking.." I said and he patted my head. "I'll be fine." He said "I love you." I said and then I fell asleep.
Next Chapter
The Change - Chapter 11 - Part 2
I looked around and saw a lady waving to me. She had brown hair touching her shoulders. "So.. The boys I want you to design clothes to is a band called One Direction. Do you know of them?"

"Yes, I know them!" I said and smiled. If only she knew the fact that I'm dating one of them. "Good! I'm their stylist, Crystabel Riley. I hope we can work well together!" She said. Crystabel was a really beautiful name.. "So where's the boys going after New York?" I asked. If I should be honest I want to know where Harry is heading after this. Is it going to be far away or just a couple of miles? That's what I want to know. "We're going to Japan." Crystabel said. "Oh...They sure do travel far don't they?" I said and looked down on my hands. I could feel Crystabel looking at me with sympathy. "If it's that tough.. I think I can get you in to one of their concerts." She said. Wait.. Will I get to see them sing? I've heard Harry sing once before but this time I'll hear the whole group! Nice! "Really!? Thank you so much!" I said and almost jumped out of my chair.
Crystabel explained to me how the clothes would be to fit the guys personalities. I nodded and wrote down all the information on a paper. When Crys went to a meeting and left me here, Betty came. "Who was that woman?" She asked. "Just now I got a new job~" I said and smiled. "You're going to get sick, Child." I hate when people worries about me. Especially when I'm in my good mood. "I've said it before and I'll say it again, I'm FINE! I'll see you in the afternoon. Bye." I said and walked out of the store. I immediatly felt guilt and regret in my heart. I'll beg for forgivness tonight.. I didn't mean to be so rude. I know she's just worried and want me my best.
My phone started ringing and the screen told me it was Harry. "Hi, it's Mindy." I answered. "Hi Min! It's Harry!" He said and by just those word I got happy. His accent.. It gives me goosebump. "I know.. I kinda saw that on the screen." I said and he laughed. "I guess so. I just wondered why you hadn't answered on my text?" He said and sounded a bit nervous and sad. "What text?" Honestly I hadn't seen any text.. I looked at the phone screen and saw that I had one unopened text, why didn't I see it this morning? "Ah I just saw it! I'll open it after we've finished speaking." I said. "Oh, that's a releafe..." He said. "Why?" I asked. "No reason. Hey, want to have a date..With" He asked nervously. I too got really nervous.. "Uhm.. Okay. Sure.. But I'm going to work in three hours though.." I said and he sighed. "Can't you stop thinking about your work for just one minuit!?" He didn't shout but you could hear that he didn't like me working so much. And even though I want to see Harry I really want to sleep too. "Sorry.. Where should we meet? I'm ten minuits from the hotel.. I can meet you there if you want to.." I said. "Sorry I shouted.. I just want time to go more slow... Sorry.." Harry said and I smiled. "I know you didn't meen it. So it's fine. See you!" I said and we hung up. I opened the message he sent and read it with a smile.
I Love This Girl
There was a picture of me sleeping on the mountains too. And just how many pictures did he take!?
I feel really bad. I shouted at Mindy eve though she didn't do anything wrong. "Louis I'm going out with Mindy for three hours!" I shouted and closed the door behind me. When I came out of the hotel I saw Mindy. When I saw her I got stunned. She was so pretty! She wore make-up (Even though she is perfectly nice without it.) and her clothes looked neat. But she was a little pale. She looked up frome her phone and saw me. Her smile got wider and all the worries washed away. I ran to her and gave her a hug. "Hi Beautiful!" I said. She blushed with her whole face and it nearly killed me. "Hi! I Love the text! I hope you liked the pic I drew of you yesterday!" She said. And I laughed.
We sat at an Italian resturant. It was her first time going to one and because this is a date I planned to pay but Mindy insisted she would pay for her share. And it was hopeless to argue against her. People stared outside the window and pointed their finger towards Mindy. I guess the newspapers have some new headlines now.. But it feels good to know that everybody gets to know I have a girlfriend. "Guess who'll design your clothes for the concert in Japan?" Mindy said with a smile. "No way!?" I understood the second she said it. "Yes way!!" She said and laughed. I got up from my chair and hugged her. "That's wonderful Min!" I stayed in the hug for a while. She was warm. A little bit too warm but I didn't pay much attention to it.
When we had eaten up we paid and went out of the resturant all the fans surronded us. Mindy smiled and sat down on a bench by the door. Such an understanding person is hard to find. I saw a few people walking to her and they smiled. So did she. I walked to them. "What are you girls talking about?" I asked and the two girl beside Mindy squealed. "Hi Harry, This is Jane and Donny. They're two of your ''Directioners''.. I think they said." Mindy said and leaned back. I smiled at them and gave them both an autograph and a hug. They asked if Mindy was my girlfriend and I said yes. They wished me alot of congrats and said that she looked good beside me. I'm happy that our directioners don't hate our girlfriends. Even though I know they get sad they still wish us happiness. And that's what I love about them.
Mindy and I started to walk after I had written about twenty autographs. "Harry... I don't feel so good.." I looked at Mindy and she was extremly pale. Then she closed her eyes and fell.
I Love You x
The Change - Chapter 11 - Part 1
I Love This Guy
The picture was on me. The drawing was relly good. Like a real artist. I smiled to the words and read them over and over again. I took up my phone and wrote a message to Mindy. Then I put in a picture I took on the mountain.
I Love This Girl

"Yes, Hello. It's Mindy in the phone." I answered. The phone has been bugging me all morning on my day off. It was an unknown number so i didn't wanna answer but this time it was enough.
"Yes, My name is Crystabel Riley. Was it you who designed the dress to the theme ''First Love'' for Victorias Secrets Fashion show in New York?" My heart started thumping, was it something wrong with my dress? "Yes. Is there something wrong with it?" I asked. "No! Of course not my dear! That dress is just marvelous! I love it! And I wonder if you would like to design clothes to some boys I know?" Oh shit! People already recognise my work! This is amazing! "Yes! Of course I'm willing to do that!" I said and almost cried of happiness. "Good! Can we meet today at by 12pm? At a café called Bettys." She asked and I laughed inside. "I know the place. I'll meet you there!" We hung up and I looked at the clock. 11.36pm. You've gotta be kidding me!? I ran to my wardrobe and searched for clothes that would make me look pretty and serious. And at the same time I clicked up Sarahs phone number and called. "Hi Min!" She answered after one tone. "SARAH! WHY ARE YOU SO SLOW TO ANSWER!?" I shouted at her. "But.." She started but I interrupted her. "Don't you ''but'' me! I have an emergancy!" I said and Sarah laughed. "So that's why you can't stop shouting. Calm down and take deep breathes." I did as she said and felt myself getting calmer. "So what's the problem?" She asked. "I just got this call from a woman named Crystabel Riley, asking me if I wanted to design some clothes to some boys. We are supposed to meet at Betty's in less than half an hour and I don't have any clothes to wear. HELP ME PLEASE!" I begged. Sarah hung up on me but after a few seconds I got a text.
I'm on my way. Don't worry, everything will be fine! <3 x
I started to run around in the small appartment im my PJ's and after a few minuits Sarah knocked on the door. "SARAH!" I said and opened the door. And while I was at it I attacked her in a hug. "Wow! Take a chill pill girl!" I laughed at her. She gave me a bag and said ''change into this.'' I did as she said without noticing what I put on. Then I walked out. I passed the whole body mirror and stopped. I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked pretty. I was wearing a pair of peach coloured shorts and a beige west-like blouse. To the shorts there was a thin brown belt. Sarah laughed and dragged me in to the kitchen. The table was full of make-up stuff. "No, Sarah.. You've done enough.. I'll feel like a beggar.." I said. Sarah looked sad. "Please! I've always wanted to do my best friends make-up!" She said and made the ''puppy eyes''.
I walked nervously in to the shop. This is my first time wearing make-up after the fashion show. If I say it like this: It's my first time wearing make-up in public. When I stepped in Betty saw me but I made the ''shh'' sign and she smiled at me. I looked around and saw a lady waving to me. She had brown hair touching her shoulders. "So.. The boys I want you to design clothes to is a band called One Direction. Do you know of them?
I Love You! x
The Change - Chapter 10
I told her the addres and said I would wait outside. Harry wanted to come with me but I said no.. If he would come to we would be surrounded by his fans.
After five minuits on the spot Sarah stepped out of a black, shiny car. She hugged me and we talked a little. Then we went in. "Sarah.. Promise you won't scream now!" She looked at me with a confused face. And I opened the door.

I opened the door and we walked in. Sarah was still a little bit confused. I smiled at her. "Harry! Sarah's here!" I shouted.
Sarahs eyes got bigger when Harry came in to the room. "Hi! It's a pleasure to meet Mindys friend!" Harry said. Sarah was frozen. She turned her eyes to me. "This.. This is a joke, right?" She said. The words stung a little but I endured it and smiled. "You wish?" I said and Sarah smiled at me. "No way, Mindy! Congrats! Oh we have to celebrate! Uhm how?" Sarah was probably overreacting.. Then her eye lightened up. "Food!" I turned around and Niall was standing there, haha both Sarah and Niall was thinking of food.. How adorable. Niall smiled. "I heard the conversation. Hi by the way, I'm Niall!" Niall greeted. Sarah blushed. "I know.. Uhm.. Hi!" Niall smiled. "So? How about it? What shall we eat, I'm hungry!" Niall said and Harry started laughing. "You're always hungry Niall!" Niall blushed and started walking to the living room. "Sarah, do you know how to cook?" I asked. Sarah nodded and smiled.
When someone hugged me from behind I was on the verge of dropping the knife. I turned around. "Shit, Harry! Don't scare me like that." I said and hit him on the shoulder. He laughed at me. "It smells good what is it?" He asked and I looked at Sarah. It was Sarah who had made the suggestion on this kind of food. I just did what she told me to do. Sarah smiled. "It's a pie called chicken pie...I think.." Sarah said. "Oh.. What does it contain?" Harry asked and I started to laugh. "Chicken?" Sarah said. Harry laughed. "Haha.. Now that you say it.. It's kinda obvious." Harry said. "Smells good!" Niall said and walked in to the room. "Where are the other boys?" I asked and Niall smiled. "Stuck with the FIFA." What's FIFA? "FIFA is a football game you play on the TV.." Harry said. I got goosebumps. "Stop doing that please! I get chills from it!" I said. "What did I do?" Harry asked. "That mind thing! How can you read my mind!? Stop it, now please!" He smilled at me. "I'll stop seeing what you're thinking, when you stop being so obvious about it." He said and smiled.
"So what do you girls wanna watch?" Louis asked while sitting by the bag full of dvds. Why do they have a bag full of dvds!? That's just sick. Fredrick and I have a TV but we never use it. We prefer to use the time we have together for more fun stuff. And when I'm alone I draw or sleep. "Uhm Harry?" I asked. "What is it Mindy?" He said and smiled. "I'll have to go in one hour but I wondered if you have a paper and a pen or something?" Harry looked at me and smiled. "Wait a second, I'll see what I can find." I waited silently in the couch. Liam and Zayn were fighting over a pillow. Niall and Sarah talked about a movie they wanted to see, in the end they chose a movie named ''The Notebook'' It's supposed to be a romantic movie. "Here you go Mindy." Harry said. And gave me a paper and a pencil. Finally! It has been iching in my fingers all day! "Thank you!" I said and hugged him. "Wow.. If I get this everytime I get you a pencil and a paper I'll get thousands.." He said and hugged me back. I love the smell of Harry.. I love the whole Harry! He let me go and suddenly I didn't have the urge to draw but to sit beside Harry and take it easy. GOSH! Why do I have to leave for work!? I hate this! I sighed and got up. I looked around for something to draw.
Even when watching TV Harry looks happy, peacefull.. Like a child. I know! I started to draw Harry. He didn't notice it though.
"Harry, I have to leave now." I said and hugged him. "I'll call you tomorrow! I promise!" He said and it sounded like I was going to move to another country. "Harry, I'm going to work, not move. I'll talk to you tomorrow!" I said and hurried out. My tears was about to fall and I didn't want Harry to see it. I dried the tears and walked out of the hotel. I'm glad the hootel is near the gas station. Wich means the hotel is near my home. Niall asked Sarah if she wanted to stay a while longer. Sara said yes, of course. In the middle of the movie Sarah laid her head on Nialls shoulder. Niall blushed so much that his whole face got red. They were really cute together.
I sighed and sat down on the chair. There was a paper laying on the table. It was upside down so I turned it around. I read the four words on the paper. The handwriting was really beautiful.
I Love This Guy
The picture was on me. The drawing was relly good. Like a real artist. I smiled to the words and read them over and over again. I took up my phone and wrote a message to Mindy. Then I put in a picture I took on the mountain.
I Love This Girl
I don't know if you will say: This is a short chapter! But I'll just say that I'm really tired and I feel mushy and I've worked on this chapter since yesterday. I want to thank you wor the comments on Chapter 9 though. I hope you like it! Comment alot!! (I know that I could have found alot more pictures than thos, but honestly I'm to tired for that x.x)
I Love You x
The Change - Chapter 9
"Your friend... The blonde one, asked me what it would be like if a guy walked in on me while I was changing." I laughed. It probably just slipped Niall's mouth and that he didn't mean it.
"Aww.. Poor Niall! But i mean. I want to show off my girlfriend."
"Harry.. Didn't you hear what I just said?" Mindy said and it sounded as if she would start cry again. "I heard and I ignored. We will work stuff out. We can see each other on skype and twitter. And you know... In this era phones exists." I said and smiled. "I'll just tell you that I don't even know of the words you just said. I don't know what ''twitter'' is and not ''skype'' either." She said. I laughed. "Of course you don't." She turned her head to me and looked angry. "What's that supposed to mean!?" I didn't answer, just giggled. "Hmph!" She turned her head to the window.
"We're here!" I parked the car outside the hotel. "Wait.. When you said you'd introduce me to your friends.." "I meant now, yes." I ended and stepped out of the car.
Oh god.. Oh dear lord.. What should I do? Apparently a world famous guy want me as his girlfriend..
Harry ran to my side while he took of his coat. He opened my door and hung the coat over my head. "Why are you giving me your coat?" I said but he just looked around. "3...2...1" What did he mean by that? But the same secound I got my answer. "OH MY GOD!! IT'S HARRY STYLES!" I heard someone scream and then a lot of high heels running on the ground. "Our fans are a bit crazy. So I want you to run to the entrance and wait there untill I come. Okay?" I nodded and ran away to the entrance. I came in to a room that looked like a reception. It was a big room with a red carpet and a big desk. Behind the desk there was four people in suits. One girl and three boys. I waited by the entrance door for at least twenty minuits. Then Harry came. He was soaking wet. "All of a sudden mothernature decided to help me and it started to rain cats and dogs." He said, I laughed at him. His curls had become a little less curly. His white shirt was glued against his body. You could see his abs extreamly well, and somehow it made my knees weak. "Sh-sh-shall w-we g-go?" I stuttered. He laughed and took his coat. "See? What would you do without me?" He laughed and kissed my cheek then ran away. I pressed my hand on the spot were he kissed me. I hate to admit it but I was longing for more. Even though we've met like three times only, I want him.. Harry turned around and smiled a mischievous smile. "Aren't you comming?" He asked, I nodded and walked nervously towards him. He laughed and walked up to me. He took my hand and dragged me to an elevator.
I'm nervous. What if they don't approve of me? What if they hate me!? What should I do? "They'll have to accept you. And with that personality of yours, no one can hate you!" Harry said and opened the door. It's scary that he can figure out what I'm thinking.. "Niall, Zayn, Liam and Louis!! I have someone to show to you guys!" Harry shouted. A black haired guy came out from a room followed by three other guys. "What is it now, Hazzah?" The younger brown haired guy said. I didn't notice I was hiding behind Harrys back untill now. "I want to introduce my girlfriend, Mindy Smith!" Harry said and stepped aside so I was exposed to the four guys. The blonde one reached out his hand to me. "Hi, I'm Niall. Take care of our Hazzah!" He said and laughed. I took his hand and he shaked it. "I'm Mindy.. Please take care of me.." The black haired one laughed. "No need to be so formal, Zayn, by the way." He said and shaked my hand. Then all of a sudden I got dragged in to a hug. "It's such a relief that our Harry doesn't need to be alone anymore." It was the younger brown haired guy.. You could see that he was a very caring person. "I'm Liam, nice to meet you!" I smiled and nodded. "Now Harry can finally stop sulking over the fact that he doesn't have a girlfriend." The older brown haired guy said. He must be Louis.. "I'm Louis!" Like I said. "I forgot to tell you! Danielle and Eleanor is comming over for like half an hour." Liam said. "Who's Danielle and Eleanor?" I wispered to Harry but everyone heard me and laughed. "She really doesn't know us? That kinda hurts!" Niall said. I blushed and Zayn laughed. "Danielle is Liams girlfriend and Eleanor is Louis girlfriend. My girlfriend's name is Perrie." Zayn said. And immediately my nervouness came back.
"Hellooooo!?" I heard a girly voice say. I was standing in the kitchen doing dishes 'cause it looked like a pighouse.. I turned my head to the door and a girl with a round face looked in. "Oh! Thank you so much! It's always me or one of the other girls who do the dishes.. It's weird that this hotel doesn't have room service.. Even though they have a resturant they still have a kitchen.. By the way, I'm Eleanor, who are you?" This girl looked shy but she actually was very talk active.. "Uhm.. I'm Harrys girlfriend, Mindy.. Nice to meet you!" I said and she looked supprised. "Danielle!!! Harry got himself a girlfriend!!" Eleanor shouted. A girl with curly hair ran in to the kitchen. Her eyes were really big. "No kidding!" She said when she saw me. A few seconds later all the boys came in to the room too. Louis and Liam gave their girlfriends a kiss. Harry smiled and kissed me on the cheek to. I felt my face turning red. Niall and Zayn looked grumpy. "Harry just because you got yourself a girlfriend you don't have to boost all the time!" Niall said. And the thought came in to my head. Niall's the only one in this group that's girlfriendless.. I walked up to him and gave him a hug. "It's okay Niall! She will come soon enough!" Niall blushed and everybody except Harry started to laugh. "Mindy! Why are you hugging Niall!?" I looked at Harry and he looked jealous.. How cute! Niall hugged me back. "Harry may I steal Mindy away!?" He asked and laughed. Harry dragged me away from Nialls arms. "No. She's mine!" Danielle laughed at Harrys words. "How nice! You really love each other!"
Everybody sat in the couch watching tv. Tomorrow's saturday.. I only have to work the night shift today then I'm free tomorrow morning.. *You've got a text! Open it or I'll make an annoying sound, LA La la la la~* I excused myself and turned of the sound. It's a text from Sarah! I miss her..
Hi, Mindy! Want to go shopping with me? x
I smiled at the text and wrote back.
I can't.. 1. I have no money.. 2. I'm with my boyfriend and his buds.. Wanna join? xx
I asked the boys if it was okay. Eleanor and Danielle had already leaved. Anyway, the boys said of course.
SERIOUSLY!? WHEN DID YOU GET A BF?!?!? Why do I get to know this now!? Tell me the adress! I'll be there in five!
I told her the addres and said I would wait outside. Harry wanted to come with me but I said no.. If he would come to we would be surrounded by his fans.
After five minuits on the spot Sarah stepped out of a black, shiny car. She hugged me and we talked a little. Then we went in. "Sarah.. Promise you won't scream now!" She looked at me with a confused face. And I opened the door.
Picture will come soon.
If you comment well on this chapter I may publish two and a half chapter tomorrow.. REMEMBER! This is not a promis just a maybe!
The Change - Chapter 8 - Part 2

Honestly I'm really happy that she said to her friend that she loved me. But the fact that she doesn't want to love hurts. "Sooo... I kinda overheard the conversation you had with your friend..." I said and hurried with a glance on Mindy. Her face got really red. I smiled. "I guess my feelings has been answered." I drove a bit more slow and turned my head o that I could see Mindy. Her face was in a color mixed with purple and blue. SHIT! I stepped on the brake and shaked Mindy. "BREATHE MINDY! BREATHE!" She coughed and I leaned back. "Are you trying to kill me?" I said and sighed. "Sorry.." She said, I smiled and looked at her. "It's okay! You're allright! ...right?" She looked at me and looked really sad. "No.. I'm sorry.. I can't be together with you.." I felt my smile fading away. "Haha.. Mindy, stop joking it's not funny." A tear slided down on her cheek. "Why? If it's the fans they won't do anything stupid." She shaked her head. "No. It's not them. We won't have time to be together and knowing that kills me. I don't know why. I've only met you like three times but I want to be with you every second. And it's like knifes cutting in my heart knowing I can't." Now she cried. I hugged her and said that everything would be okay that when she had time off from her work we could spend it together. And I know the feeling. I'm only here for two other weeks then I have to leave her. And half of the time I have interviews and conserts and photoshoots and I have to meet the fans... She dried her tears and turned her head to the window. I contiuned driving and it was extremley quiet. So I started to sing.
(I know all the guys are singing and that it's like impossible to have the melody in the backround but it's nicer to hear it than read it.. ;)
She smiled and cried at the same time. Seeing her smiling made me smile too. "Mindy.." I said. "Mmm?" She answered and dried a tear drop. "I want you to meet the guys." She laughed. "I've met them twice. First at the café then at the fashion show." The café? Then I remembered Louis asked me to follow them to a café the same day as I met Mindy but I didn't wanna come. "Your friend... The blonde one, asked me what it would be like if a guy walked in on me while I was changing." I laughed. It probably just slipped Niall's mouth and that he didn't mean it. "Aww.. Poor Niall! But i mean. I want to show off my girlfriend."
Part twoooo! Hope you like it! It's a little short but I hurried with it! D:
I Love You!
The Change - Chapter 8 - Part 1
"Sleep, I'll call the gas station and say that you don't feel okay."
"How am I supposed to sleep on a perverts lap?" She said but just about three second later her breathing got deeper and much more slow. I sighed and moved hair from her face. I don't know why but I want to protect this girl..

My phone started ringing and I hurried to answer.
"BLOODY HELL, HARRY! WHERE ARE YOU!?" Louis shouted in the phone. "Shhh!!! You'll wake her up!" I wispered. "No. No, no, no. Please don't tell me you are with that girl!? Why can't you just let her live a normal life!?" I don't know why but Louis is against me being with girls. I guess it's because the media causes such a big fuss every time. Mindy started moving in my lap. "Sorry Lou! Gotta go!" I said and hung up. Mindy turned so that her face were facing me, she hasn't opened her eyes yet. "Morning." I said and she blinked. We looked in to each others eyes for a time that seemed like forever. Then she blushed and sat up. Finally my legs could I don't know? breathe!? It stinks like hell right now. "For how long have I slept!?" She asked and it looked like she panicked. "It's fine, you only slept for 6 hours." I can't get up. My legs won't obey my will. "Oh shit! i'm so sorry!" She said and took my hand. Then she helped me up. I got up but my legs are shaking. I didn't care about the pain before but now it's killing me. "Thank you, and sorry!" She said and took my arm around her neck. She was pretty short so she didn't really make any difference. But it was cute that she tried.
It feels like I've known this guy for a long time, almost as it felt the first time I met Sarah. It's a nice feeling and I kinda want to contiune meeting him. But that he will never know. It's too embarrassing.
Meeting Harry shaked my world, huh? Waaaait a minuit... Shaked.. shaked? No, Mindy. No, not this guy! HE'S FAMOUS; YOU CAN'T FALL FOR HIM!
I took away my arm from Harry. I need to call Sarah... I turned around and Harry looked confused. I started to blush but reached out my hand. "Phone.. I have to call someone..." He smiled and gave me my phone. I walked a couple of metres out in the woods. I saw Harrys name in my contact list but ignored it. "Sarah is in the phone. What is it sis?" I smiled to the word ''sis'' but shaked of the thoughts. "Sarah! I think I'm in lo...lo..lov... DAMN IT I CAN'T SAY IT!" How frustrating! I want to tell her but the words won't come out! "Mindy.. Tell me! I promise I won't tell anyone!" She said and I took a deep breath. "I think I'm inlove with Harry.." She laughed. "That's great! Go for it girl!" What is she saying? "No, no, Sarah you don't understand! He's famous and has tons of girls running after him everywhere! I can't love him! Please help me!" I begged. Once again she laughed. "Haha, no." Then she hung up. I sighed and put down my phone in my pocket. I turned around and saw Harry staring at me. Shit! Did he hear? He wasn't supposed to hear that! He opened his mouth to say something but I interrupted him. I guess my face is all tomato-ish right now.. "No, don't say anything! I don't wanna hear it and I don't wanna know it!" I said and walked passed him with the feeling of rejection. Why did this have to happen? When we came to the car I felt releaved. But I hate the fact that it's more than a two and a half hours home.
"Sooo... I kinda overheard the conversation you had with your friend..."
I Love You!
The Change - Chapter 7
When I noticed she wasn't listening to my explanation and slept I somehow got realeved. She finally fell asleep. Mindy has dark hair and a pretty face. On the day we met at the fashion show she looked all up and awake, now she has dark rings under her eyes. She's overworking herself. I don't know why but I care for this girl.. I've never seen her smile from the heart... I stopped the car and I shaked Mindy slightly. "Mindy... We're here now. You have to wake up.."

The first thing I saw when I woke up was Harrys green eyes. I felt my heart beating faster and faster and I started to blush. Why did I blush!? How embarrassing! I turned away my head and opened the car door. When I stepped out I saw that we were surrounded by trees. No.. Does he mean that we will walk!? "We have to walk from here.." NOOOOOO! Please just end my life now! I hate walking in the woods! It's too much bugs and spiders and other stuff! And I seriously don't wanna show this guy my weak side. "Uhm... I'm not comfortable with walking in the woods.." I said but he completley ignored me and started walking. How rude.
Even so I was curious and started walking too. Suddenly he stopped walking and turned around. He took out a handcrief out of his pocket and gave it to me. "Bind your eyes." He said. "Why?" Did he seriously think that I would bind my eyes and lose my abillity to see completley? No. No, no, no, never. "I want it to be a supprise." He said and I shaked my head. "I'll give you 20$ if you bind your eyes." When he say it like that it becomes harder. "Come on put the handcrief on." He said, but when I didn't do anything he walked up behind me and then it became black. I can't see! What should I do? I won't see the bugs like this! "I'll lead you and tell you when the bugs are attacking you." Harry said, wait what? Can he read minds!? Seriously that's not normal and it's scary. How did he know? "Ho..." I started but he interrupted me. "You're easy to read. Like an open book." He said and once again I blushed.
I don't know why I always end up with doing as he says.
He put his hands on my shoulder and we started walking. "Theres a stone now so lift your leg high." He said but I didn't really understand that I had to lift my leg so I fell but Harry catched me before I landed on the ground. "I said this was a stupid idea." I complained but he just laughed at me. Where he's touching it feels like I'm burning, melting. "You're starting to fall?" He asked. "What?" What did he meen by that? "Nothing." He said. "Stop being such a mysterious, rude pervert." I said and you could almost hear the frustration over the word ''pervert,'' it's fun to tease him. Anyway, we contiuned walking but this time he stopped me everytime there was a hinderance. I'm thankful for that.
"Are you afraid of heights?" Harry asked all of a sudden. "No, why?" I said but he didn't answer. He instead took of the handcrief.
The view was amazing and I couldn't do anything but smile. We were standing on a mountain.
I ran up to the edge and shouted, "HIIIII!!!!" Then I laughed. I spinned around and Harry was standing there, smiling.
I'm mesmerized by this girl, she has me in the palm of her hand. I want to see her smile even just for a second. I don't know how she did this to me, just a few days and I'm like this. She spinned around and she was laughing. When she saw me, her smile faded away but after a few seconds she smiled a more gentle smile. "Thank you, Harry." *BATHUMP* Wow.. I wasn't ready for that. That's foul play. If it contiunes like this my heart will stop. Breathe Harry, breathe.
I too walked up to the edge and looked out over New York. Mindy sat down and brushed of some dirt on her pants. After a few seconds I sat down too. (Feeling like a copycat now) "Why did you bring me here?" Mindy asked. "I wanted to see you smile.." I said and looked at her. Her face got red and it was really cute. My heart started thumping all over again. She yawned and looked like she was about to fall asleep.
I took my hand on her head and pushed her down so that she layed on my lap. "What are you doing?" She said and looked at me. "You look tired." I said and her cheeks got slightlly pink. "I don't know what you're talking about." She said and turned her head to so that she could see the view.
"You're not like I thought you would be."
"Haha, what did you imagine then?"
She sighed.
"I don't know.. It's the first time I meet a famous person, but you seem like a forget that."
"You where about to say that I'm normal right? Why am I not?"
"Well, you drive around in a expensive, nice car. You have girls chasing you everywere and let's see... oh! And you're a pervert."
When will she stop the whole pervert thing!? It was an accident! I didn't meen to run in to her while she was testing a bra!
"I'll just ignore what you said just now. Where did you grow up again?"
"I grew up on a orphanage. My parents left me and my brother there. I still hate them because just because they didn't want me they didn't have to throw away my brother too."
"I'm sorry.." I said but she just started laughing.
"Everytime I tell people about my sad-story-of-life, the only thing they can come up with is ''sorry'' and to be honest, I don't want to recieve sympathy."
"Then is it better if I had said that you deserved it and that I'm not sorry?"
"Haha, I guess not."
"Tell me about yourself?"
"What do you want to know?"
"What's your favorit food?"
"Lasagne, you?"
She yawned. We sat like that for hours and then it became dark. But that didn't stop us from talking.
"Sleep, I'll call the gas station and say that you don't feel okay."
"How am I supposed to sleep on a perverts lap?" She said but just about three second later her breathing got deeper and much more slow. I sighed and moved hair from her face. I don't know why but I want to protect this girl..
It took some time for you to comment. But even so, I'm happy! Thank you and enjoy! I won't take any comments this time 'cause I really trust that you'll comment anyway.
I love you! :3
The Change - Chapter 6
I noticed Louis had been sitting right beside me during the whole phone call and i now staring at me. "I kinda took her phone..." I said and showed Louisthe phone. "HARRY!?!? Are you out of your mind!? If this comes out to the public it's finito with One Direction! Seriously What did you think, or did you even think about the consequenses?" He shouted. "Easy Louis, I'll return it tomorrow!" I explained but it didn't really make him happier.

When Sarah said that Harry had sent her a message saying he had my phone I immediately understood why he hugged me. "That son of a bitch!" I said to myself whille cleaning a table. *Cough Cough* I turned around and Harry stood there. "I guess I'm that ''son of a bitch'' or am I wrong?" He said and smiled. "You're not wrong but absolutley right. Now can I get my phone back?" I said. He laughed and leaned forward so our face was just a few inches away from each other. I hate to addmit it but he smells wonderful.. Like a man but yet a teenager..
This girl smells like peaches and watermelon. I love it.. I smiled. "Not so fast.. You have to come with me to a place first. I searched for ages to find this place." To a beggining she looked supprised but then she changed expression to frustrated, irritated and pissed off. She turned around without a word.
I hate this guy. But I want my phone. "Thomas I don't feel well.. Can I go home?" I said and he looked at me and smiled. "Of course. Get well soon!" He said and I walked out to Harry again. But I didn't stop by him but just contiuned walking. I heard that he walked behind me. When I came out I stopped and turned around. He seemed to understand what I wanted and pointed. "That car over there." He said and I walked to it. If this would have been a normal day I would have died to sit in a car like this but now I didn't really care. Harry started the car and then drove away. I turned on the radio and the song that started to play was really beutiful.
Shot me out of the sky
You're my Kryptonite
You keep me making me weak
Yeah, frozen and can't breathe
Some things gotta give now
Cause I'm dying just to make you see ~
More I didn't hear before Harry changed chanel. "Why did you do that!? It was a good song! Change back." I said. "I don't like hearing myself sing on the radio it doesn't feel right." WHAT!? WAS IT ONE DIRECTION WHO SUNG THAT!? "Was that you!?" I heard myself say. "Yes." He said, I sighed and looked out on the trees passing by. "So.. Why do you work so much?" He asked and I turned my head to look at him. Great. He has looked through my phone. "Not your business, pervert." I said and looked out again. "I've said it before and I'll say it again, I. Am. NOT. A Pervert! I was chased that day by fans!" I laughed and waved my hand. "Yeah I'm sure you where." He sighed and it bekame quiet.
"It's been 2 and a half hour aren't we thre yet!?" I asked and he laughed. "I see... You're curious?" He asked and smiled. I felt my whole face blushing. I addmit it. I'm really curious. Where are we heading to!? "I have to hurry! I have another job you know!" I said. "I whent to that café called Betty's this morning and said to Batty you had a date with me so you had to take time off. She said it was okay. That you needed some time off." He said and let go of the wheel eith one hand. He pushed my head to the window. "Sleep." He said. "Just so know.. I can't sleep with a pervert beside me." I said. Even though.. With this guy I feel secure. He started to tell me the story about when he got chased but I didn't really listen.
When I noticed she wasn't listening to my explanation and slept I somehow got realeved. She finally fell asleep. Mindy has dark hair and a pretty face. On the day we met at the fashion show she looked all up and awake, now she has dark rings under her eyes. She's overworking herself. I don't know why but I care for this girl.. I've never seen her smile from the heart... I stopped the car and I shaked Mindy slightly. "Mindy... We're here now. You have to wake up.."
I love you!
The Change - Chapter 5
"PLEASE SARAH COME OVER HERE!" I said in a loud voice and hung up. "AH! BOOB GIRL!" I turned around and saw that guy named Harry with the four other boys that came to the café staring at me.

"Sarah, you know these boys?" I asked and Sara nodded so fast that it looked like her head would fly away. "They're the worlds most famous boy band! Don't you know them!?" I shaked my head. "I don't." She stared at me then walked up to them. "Can I ask what One Direction are doing here?" Sarah asked the boys. The blonde one stopped staring at me and turned to Sarah. "We're here to sing for a design that represents ''First Love'' the design is made by someone named Mindy or something." Sarah left One Direction and ran to me. Took my hands and started to jump up and down. Knowing that these perverts are going to sing to my dress is making me wanna throw up. "OH GOD MINDY!! HOW DOES IT FEEL KNOWING THAT ONE D IS GOING TO SING TO YOUR DESIGN!?!" Sarah shouted. Apparently she's fangirling to these boys. I looked at them and then at Sarah. "Acctually it feels like I'm about to throw up." Sarah stopped jumping. "FIFTEEN MINUITS TO GO!" Daniel shouted and everyone started to hurry.
I took Sarahs hand and left One Direction behind me. I have to find the model! Her make up and hair has to be done!
I found the model and she looked really cute in her dress, and her shoes... I LOVE THEM!.
"Mindy it's your turn in three minuits!" Daniel shouted and I had just stuck the last bobby-pin in the models hair. Done! We rand to the cat walk and she went out. I walked to the side like we had done in the repetition earlier this day. When all the other models where back in the backstage the band started to sing. I just got to know what band it would be.
When they had sung their song I started talking. "This dress represents ''First Love''. Acording to me first love is like an earthquake..." I contiuned to say all the things I said at the meeting last monday. And when I was done everyone gave off a wave of applauds. It felt nice.
Me and Daniel switched places and I dissapeared back stage. "That was the girl who designed the dress! MINDY SMITH!" Daniel is a really carefree man. He often do as he wants to. He's a cool guy. "Your design was awesome! And your word was just perfect! I was totally mesmericed.." I turned around and Harry smiled at me. I started to walk faster. "Hey wait! i want to talk to you!" He said and grabbed my hand. "That day I was chased by fans and I had to find a hiding place.. Please don't think I'm a pervert! I'm not a pervert.." He explained. "Haha, why would I think you're a pervert? I don't think stuff like that about men who run into a dressing room while a girl is testing a bra. It would only be wierd if I thought so." I said and put as much sarcasm possible in the sentence. I got my hand back from his grasp and started to walk away from Harry. But all of a sudden he grabbed my hand again and then turned me around and hugged me. Everything happened so fast. After a few secound he let go and walked away. Why did he hug me? Now I'm 100% sure he's a pervert.
"Mindy! You where awesome today!" Daniel said behind me while I packed my stuff. "Same goes for you Daniel!" I said and turned around. "I was just going to say that your dress will be realesed in the store in one month. And you'll get 50% of the money we earn on your dress." He said. "F-f-f-fiffty percent!?! Are you sure?" I said and he nodded. It looked like it wasn't a big deal. But for someone who's been chasing money in her whole life it's a big deal! Without a thought I attacked him in a hug and he laughed while hugging me back.
After a few minuits he dissapeared but he wrote down his number on a paper and gave it to me, so I did the same.
This girl Mindy, only have one number on her phone. And that name was Sarah.. Is she that unsocial? I wrote in her number on my phone. Then I sent a message to that Sarah.
Hi! Harry Styles from One Direction here! Can you tell Mindy that if she want her phone back she have to call this number: xxxx-xxxxxxx Thanx! xoxo <3
I felt like a criminal when I checked around on her phone like what games she has and stuff (The only game she had was Temple Run) so I put in some more games for her. All of a sudden the phone started buzzing. *TIME TO GO TO STARBUCKS JOB!* I couldn't ignore it so I whent in to her ''reminder'' app. Everyday and night she worked and whent ot supplementary classes. I checked the time and she had almost less than three hours to sleep. Is she like a super human? I felt sorry for her and put the phone away. (Oh if you wonder...Her password to unlock the phone was 1234...) "Harry we're going to the hotel now, are you coming with us?" Zayn asked and I got up from the chair. "I'm comming!" I said and we started to walk out of the building.
"HAAARRRRIIIIEE!! Your phone is ringing." Louis said and ran towards me with my phone in his hand. I didn't recognise the number but answered anyway. "Harry's on tha phone! What's up?" I said. "Give me my phone back!" As I thought it's Mindy. "I can't." I said. To tease her. "Why!? I'll call the police and say you're a pervert AND a thief!" She said and sounded like she was in a hurry. "I can't give it to you, 'cause you're not here.." I said and laughed. "You little...." She started but didn't finish the sentence. "I'll meet you tomorrow on Starbucks the place where you work." I said and hung up. Then I noticed Louis had been sitting right beside me during the whole phone call and is now staring at me. "I kinda... took her phone..." I said and showed Louis the phone. "HARRY!?!? Are you out of your mind!? If this comes out to the public it's finito with One Direction! Seriously what did you think, or did you even think about the consequenses?" He shouted. "Easy Louis I'll return it tomorrow!" I explained but it didn't really make him happier.
I hope you like chapter five ^^ I worked really hard with it.. And if I get 6 coments by today I'll publish chapter 6 TODAY! :D I love you! X
(I thought that if you want I can do a post were I show all the caracters ^^ Comment if you want to!)
The Change - Chapter 4 - Part 2
"Betty can I get some time off this week? Just an hour or a half?" I said. Bett where sitting right infront of me making some kind of decoration on a cake. She looked up at me and smiled. "Of course, Child. You take some time off." Then I helped her decorate the cake.
The cake got really pretty. Pink, with flowers and strawberry. The flowers where made of chocolate.
"Bye!" I shouted to the crew and started walking in the direction to Starbucks.
"So. You got it. Can you handle this all by yourself?" Thomas said and smiled. "Leave it to me!" He laughed and when to the kitchen, if you can call it a kitchen.. It's small and has a refrigerator, nothing more. That's where we have all the milk and latte stuff.. Oh there's a table and four chairs too!
The door bell informed me that a costumer came in. My first costumer on Starbucks! She had middle long brown straight hair. Her eye's are brown too. She wore a sky-blue dress. "A latte to take please." Her accent. It's brittish. I smiled and made the latte. "That's 6$." I said and she gave me a ten dollar bill. "Keep the change." I smiled and gave her four dollars. "We need more people like you, but I don't like to get money I haven't earned." I said and she looked at me. "But if it's money won't it make anyone happy?" This girl doesn't give up. "No, making your own money, luck and love, that's happiness." She looked at me for a while and seemed to think about my words. "I like you. Can I get your number so we can hang out some day?" I really don't like that question 'cause my answer is really embarrassing. "I don't have a cellphone.." Her answer choked me. "Okay, then. I'll wait here 'till you get off!" Then she took her latte and got out. She doesn't even know when I get off? She has a really carefree spirit that girl.
"I changed to my all day clothes and whent out of Starbucks on my way to the next job. "Finally you get off!" I flinched and turned around. The girl I met today were standing by the door. "Sarah." She said and we shaked hands. "Mindy." She smiled and we started walking. "Why did you wait?" I asked. "I thought you looked nice and wanted to be your friend!" She said and laughed. "Oh by the way.. Here." She gave me a box but it's dark so I can't see what it contains. "It's a cellphone." I stopped and stared at her. "I can't recieve this." I said and tried to give it back. But she just started walking. "I'm not poor. My family has money and they won't notice that the money dissapeared. Besides, you're my first friend." I didn't know what to say. "Thank you.. Uhm you're kinda my first friend too." I said. "REALLY!? What about the people in your school?" She asked.
"I'm really shy in scool, when I work it's a lot better. I think it's because I lived on a orphanage until two years ago.." I said and got really supprised. This girl, it feels like I've known her my whole life. "I'm sorry.." She said. "For what?" I asked, she was quiet for a while. "I don't know." I laughed. "Then don't say sorry!" She giggled a little but was kinda tense. "Now it's my turn to say sorry." I said. "Why?" "I have to go to work, but can I get your number? I have a new phone.." She laughed. "Of course you can get my number but didn't you just get off from work?" She said while taking up a pencil from her bag then took my arm and wrote her number. "I have four workplaces." I said. She stopped walking. "Won't you like overwork yourself!? Please stop working on at least one place!" It looked like she really got worried. "I'm fine! No need to worry!" I said and started to walk faster. "Text me when you start your phone!" She shouted behind me and I waved as an answer.
I was the last one to leave the gas station so I had to lock every door.
"Hey you!" Turned my head and a gang full of boys in their twenty walked toward me. I hurried to lock the door and walked away fast. "Hey you! Wait! Don't you wanna play with us?" Thinking of their actions they're drunk. Everyone laughed and screamed. "We know you want to!" All of a sudden someone gripped my hand and turned me around. He's stinking of alcohole. What did I learn in the self-defence class? Uhm.. Uhm? I don't remember! "What are you thinking of sweetie? Oh wait, I don't care." He said and breathe in my face. I was on the verge of throwing up. Without thinking I grabbed his hand with my right hand and locked his scoulder with my left hand. Then I spit right in his face and kicked him between his legs. "WHAT THE F*CK ARE YOU DOING!? YOU LITTLE SL*T" Then I didn't really hear anymore. I ran as fast as I could home and closed the door behind me. Oh right Fredrick isn't home now. He's working till 08am.. I sighed and went to my room. Thank good I whent to buy some material to my design today. Before I went to Betty's. The fabric is pink. I started to cut the fabrick and needle it. Only that took like 2 hours and I realise that I had to go to bed.. But before that I put my phone in the charger. The phone's named Iphone 4S. It's my first phone ever. I put in Sarah in my contact list and it took some time before she wans in there. I didn't know how to do it. How do I send a message? I tested clicking on the little icon that loocked like a letter and on Sarah's name then I wrote. "Why did you buy such an advanced phone!? You need to teach me the details someday.." After afew secounds it ringed. A message from Sarah. I opened it. "You're advanced >.<" I laughed and put away my phone the went to bed. I fell asleep immedietly.
I gave the dress to the model and she went away to change. I'm really nervous. I took my phone and called Sarah. "Sarah's on tha phone! What's up?" I took a deep breath. "Sarah.. I can't do this. What shouls I do there's at leat one thousand people out there!" I wispered. "You can do this! I'm one of those thousands remember?" Yes, Sarah came to the fashion show to be my support but she being out there is'nt helping me at all! "PLEASE SARAH COME OVER HERE!" I said in a loud voice and hung up. "AH! BOOB GIRL!" I turned around and saw that guy named Harry with the four other boys that came to the café staring at me.
I felt my cheeks blushing and Harry plugged his mouth. "I'm sorry! It slipped my mouth!" He said. "Harry.. Is that the girl you've been so upset about?" The older brown haired guy said. The blonde one stared at me. "Seriousley Mindy! Why did I have to come he... OH MY GOD!? ONE DIRECTION!!!" I heard Sarah shouting behind me. But the boys just kept staring at me...
Like I said, 5 comments to get the next chapter but that won't be a big deal will it?
I love you my readers! <3 C':
The Change - Chapter 4 - Part 1
"And the winner is....not Tom Fredrickson!" One of the judges said. Tom looked crushed.. I was suprised myself that he didn't win.. His design was incredible! All of a sudden Tom stood up and looked like he was going to throw the table on the judges. "WHY DIDN'T I WIN!? MY DESIGN WAS, No.. IS THE BEST DESIGN IN HERE! COMPARED TO THESE STUPID BUNCH OF AMATEURS!" He shouted and looked at me and the other four designers. I don't like it when people is stepping on the weak so I stood up myself and all eyes in the room turned to me. "Seriously! Just because you didn't win this time you don't have to push us other down! With your abilities you will come far as it is. But even so I'm not sure, your own personality is really horrible! Calling us a stupid bunsh of amateurs... Didn't you yourself lose to this stupid bush of amateurs!?" I said and sat down. Then I realised that all the people in the whole room was listening... Great now I'm gonna lose to. I shaked of the thought and looked at Tom. He was still standing in the exact same spot as he did when I started shouting at him. "Tom, we would appriciate it if you would sit down on your chair so we can contiune the meeting.." One of the judgers said. Tom got out of his own world and sat down. His face were really red and I felt sympathy for him. "If it's okay I would like to contiune the meeting. I want to forget this inccident now." Everyone noddet to what the judger said. Including Tom. "So.Tom, I want you to know that your skills around fashion is really something! If this would have been a meeting for designers that have been working with this kind of thing, we would absolutley have chosed your design. But as it is now, we cant. We need something new, something that reminds us of our first love!" It looked like Tom really took in the words. "So now it's just between the other five designers. And I'm really sad to tell you this. I have to hurry to another meeting so I will tellyou who the winner is and then I will talk with the winner by myself. The winner is....MINDY SMITH! Your design was truly mesmerising! We all really loved it! And your words to it was incredible too! You explained it exactly as it is!" What? What'd just happen? Did I win? No that's not possible! Or is it? "Mindy? Hello Mindy?" I looked up and everyone stared at me.. "How does it feel?" How should I explain this? Uhm... And I found just the right feeling. "Like a car crash... Like my whole life is about to change." Everyone stood up and started to applaud. I felt the smile playing on my lips.
"So you will have to make your own dress 'til friday. Is that okay?" The man who is apparently named Daniel said. "It's just one problem.. I don't have the material and I don't have a sewing machine..." I said and lookede down. He started to laugh at me. "Oh please! You will gett the money to material and a sewing machine! See? It's all over there!" He said and pointed at a table. On the table there was a sewing mashine and beside it a bunch of money. I jumped up and without thinking I kinda attacked Daniel. I gave him a big hug and squealed. "OH MY GOD THANK YOU SO MUCH! I CAN'T FIND WORDS FOR MY THANKFULLNESS!" I said and felt tears streaming down my face. He smiled and hugged me back. "See you on friday! It would be awesome if you could say the things you said to your design on friday too!" He said and we stopped hugging each other. I nodded and smiled.
I pressed down the money in my bag and took the sewing machine in my other hand. Thank god I'm good at sewing and not just drawing! Or else it would have been so embarrassing! Well now I have to hurry home and then get to the café! The clock's almost 06pm. And the at 12am I have to hurry to starbucks. At 03am I have to work at the gas station to 7am. At 10am my supplementary classes starts. So I have just 3 hours to sleep.. But I can ask Betty and Daisy for some time off! I smiled and started to walk home. When suddenly a hand stopped me. "Mindy?" I turned around and saw Tom standing with blushed cheeks infront of me. Irritation started to form and I turned around to start walking again. But of course he would follow me. "Hey! Stop right there! I'm sorry okay? I didn't mean the words I said in there I just get like that when I get angry or lose..." He said. I stopped and so did he. "So what you're saying is that you have aggresion problem?" He looked down and I felt kinda bad and mean so I said sorry. He praised me for my design and I thanked him. Then we said goodbyeafter he by some reason had given me his number. Wierd. Oh well..
"Daisy...Could I possibly get some time of this week? Like an hour or a half?" Daisy turned her eyes to me and they became as big as footballs. He ran over to me and took my hands. "I never thought I would get to hear those words from you! OFCOURSE YOU CAN TAK SOME TIME OFF!" She started to sing and dance and then she ran away... Okay.. Now it's Betty left!
The Change - Chapter 3
"Haaaarrrriiiiie!!" All of a sudden Louis attacked me and I fell to the ground. "WHOA!!" I said while falling to the floor. I looked up on Louis and he showed of a proud smile. "Seriously... WHAT!!?" He gave me his hand but I didn't take it. I got up on my feet by myself. "This day suck already why don't you make it worse!" I shouted at him. He didn't care about my words. "Me, Niall, Liam and Zayn is going to a café nearby are you coming with us?"
I looked at Louis who was still smiling. "Louis...Louis..Louis. I'M NOT IN THE MOOD FOR COFFE!" I said and pushed him out of the room. I herd him sigh outside the door. "Don't blame me if you want a cake later! Going mad just because of some boobs. Seriosly." He mumbled. Without a thought I kicked the door but I regretted it the secound after. "FUCK! !¤#%¤@¤¤&)¤#" Great! I sighed and jumped on one leg to the bathroom. I sat down on the toilet and carefully took off the sock. My big toe are really red. Kinda like a tomato. I could feel the pulse pumping. I started to undress myself. I can take a shower while I'm at it.
The ring clock informed that a few costumers entered the place. I turned around to show them to a table. There were four boys. One blonde, two brunettes and one black haired guy. The blonde one laughed as well as one of the brow haired. The black haired one seemed to be in his own world. "A table for four?" I asked and everyone turned their eyes to me. The brown haired one that didn't laugh nodded. I showed them to a table in the corner. "I will be right back to take your orders." I said and left them. But when I started walking one of them started talking. "Guys, I'm worried. Harry is grumpy just becuse he saw that girl in the dressing room. What should we do?" I stopped walikng. What? They couldn't... "Easy Louis! I'm sure he's just hypntisised because he sw some boobes. He'll be fine tomrrow!" SHIT! They are talking about what happened today! I started walking again and came in to the kitchen. "Chris.. Can you take the orders at table nine?" I asked but Chris just sheked her head and said she had to do the dishes. "Betty?" Sorry, child. I need to cook the food, Emmett is sick today. Oh no.. Today there's only we who works the evening shift. I took some deep breaths and gathered up the courage to go out.
"Would you like to order now?" I said and felt both the nervousness and my cheeks blushing. "I would like a cupcke and a coffee please." One of the brown hired guys said. The one who looks older than the other one. I wrote it down on the block. "I would like the same." Two of the boys said. Now it's just the blonde one left. I turned my eyes at him and notice he stared at me. "How would you feel if a bouy walked in on you while you were testing a bra?" What? I felt the blood running up o my face. "Oh.. Sorry.." He said and the other ones started to laugh. I'm not embarressed by the question but the fact that he just asked me 'bout what happened today.. But now there's a chanse for that Harry to know my feelings. "I would be really embarrassed and wouldn't be brave enough to test things in a long time. Your order?" I said and he looked kinda suprised that I actually answered the question. He mumbled, "The same as the others." I nodded and went back to the kitchen. Behind the door it was like a big stone disapeared from my belly. "Four coffee with cupcakes!" Shouted to Betty ans ran in to the toilet.
I looked at the paper with the adress once again then I looked at the house. Number 76. It's here. The nervousness started to form in me. I took a deep breath and walked i to the big appartment looking building. They said I would walk three stairs and then I would be up. So I did as the person I talked with said and on the door it was a sign. ''VICTORIA'S SECRET MEETING'' I knocked on the door. A short girl with blonde curly hair opened the door. "Mindy?" She asked, I nodden and she shined up in a bright smile. "When we saw your designs that your boyfriend showed to us we immedietly fell in love!" I reacted to the word ''boyfriend'' and smiled. "I don't have a boyfriend the one who showed you my designs was my brother. But thank you very much!" The girl laughed and showed me in. In the beginning there was just a hallway. but when we had walked in to the other room there I was starstrucked. A long table in the middle and a big screen on the left side of the room. In the room there was at least fourty people sitting around the table and ten people standing by the wall. The girl whos called Pheopbe showed me a chair alomst in the place nearest the screen. "You'll be the third one to show your design." Pheobe said and I nodded. A man walked up on the platform by the screen. "Welcome everybody and thank you for taking your precious time to come here. We will today look at designs to the fasion show that will be on Friday! There will be a total six designs today and we will decide One design who will be showed to the world. As you know these designs has been drawn from young designeres from the whole USA. There was over a million participants but only six were chosen." Okay.. This is sick! MILLIONS!? I didn't know that! Now I'm even more nervous! "First there will be a boy named Tom Fredrickson from Washington, showing you a design. Then a girl named Sasha Stone from Orlando. Third person, a girl, Mindy Smith. She's from New York. The fourth is a boy. Klas Gunnarson. He's born in Sweden but moved to Florida." He contiuned like that. Then it started. And the second I saw the first drawing I was totally sure I would lose. This guy has been doing this before. The judges made som sounds like ''Mmm and Ahhh. And when it was my turn I was shaking like hell. Pheobe gave me a thumb up. It felt like one percent better. I put my drawing on a small table and you could see it on the screen then I walked up to the small platform. "The theme is ''First Love'' right?" The audience nodded. So I contiuned. "First love.. It's like a earthquake. Pure. Hard to recover from. You can never really forget it." While saying those words, talking to all the persons. I felt home. This is were I should be. "But an earthquke isn't pure?" One in the audience said. "It's pure 'cause it's completley made by nature." The person nodded and wrote it down on a paper. I thanked for me and took my design and sat down on my chair,
"So.. We have decided... The winner is....."
OUT! Know it got later than I said but I really had a har time thinking of what would happen.. But enjoy! :3
The Change - Chapter 2 - Part 2
I slammed the door behind me and started to take of my old, black converse. "Mindy?" I heard Fredrick say and soon after I could see his feets through the tears. "Oh dear lord Mindy, what happened!?" A few hiccups came ou of my mouth and I gave up on trying to take of my left shoe. My hand's shaking to much so I can't untie the knot. I leaned my back against the wall and pushed up my knees so that I could lay down my head. I felt someones arms around me, warm. "Can you tell me what happened?" Fredrick always care for me. I shaked my head and dried my tears. I put on a smile and looked Fredrick in the eyes. "I'm fine, It's okay now." He looked sceptical. "Well, you sertainly don't look fine! Did someone hurt you? Did you get raped? Should I call the police?" I laughed at him and looked at the clock. 03.05pm. "I have to go to work now!" I said to change the subject. I put on my right shoe and took my purse. "See You tonight Fred!" Then I shut the doorbehind me, this time I was more gentle.
"Daisy can I take ten minuits of?" I asked. She smiled and nodded. I sat down by a table and took out my sketch block and a pen. First love huh.. It's something I haven't experienced. "Daisy.. How's first love like? How does it feel?" Daisy looked slightly supprised. Maybe 'cause I'm seventeen and have never had a boyfriend. She smiled. "It's like an earthquake, you can't forget it. It's pure. But there's alway some dirt that stains the feelings." She sighed and walked away. Her words made me think. I got an idea and started to scribble down some drawings.
"It's time for you to leave now, Mindy." I looked up from my drawing. Daisy cleaned off th table beside me. I looked at the clock. 08.03pm. "Why didn't you tell me when my brake was over!? You know I get lost in time when I draw!" I don't like it when they give me money from work I haven't done. I took my bag and said bye to the staff. Then it was just to start running.
"Haaaarrrriiiiie!!" All of a sudden Louis attacked me and I fell to the ground. "WHOA!!" I said while falling to the floor. I looked up on Louis and he showed of a proud smile. "Seriously... WHAT!!?" He gave me his hand but I didn't take it. I got up on my feet by myself. "This day suck already why don't you make it worse!" I shouted at him. He didn't care about my words. "Me, Niall, Liam and Zayn is going to a café nearby are you coming with us?"
It feels like I'm saying sorry alot... But now part two is out! :) What do you think please comment! Not fun to write without comments. And the fact that I've got high statistic is frustrating. So now I'm telling you. At least three comments for you to get the next chapter.
[No Maja, comments from you won't count...]
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