The Change - Chapter 8 - Part 2

Honestly I'm really happy that she said to her friend that she loved me. But the fact that she doesn't want to love hurts. "Sooo... I kinda overheard the conversation you had with your friend..." I said and hurried with a glance on Mindy. Her face got really red. I smiled. "I guess my feelings has been answered." I drove a bit more slow and turned my head o that I could see Mindy. Her face was in a color mixed with purple and blue. SHIT! I stepped on the brake and shaked Mindy. "BREATHE MINDY! BREATHE!" She coughed and I leaned back. "Are you trying to kill me?" I said and sighed. "Sorry.." She said, I smiled and looked at her. "It's okay! You're allright! ...right?" She looked at me and looked really sad. "No.. I'm sorry.. I can't be together with you.." I felt my smile fading away. "Haha.. Mindy, stop joking it's not funny." A tear slided down on her cheek. "Why? If it's the fans they won't do anything stupid." She shaked her head. "No. It's not them. We won't have time to be together and knowing that kills me. I don't know why. I've only met you like three times but I want to be with you every second. And it's like knifes cutting in my heart knowing I can't." Now she cried. I hugged her and said that everything would be okay that when she had time off from her work we could spend it together. And I know the feeling. I'm only here for two other weeks then I have to leave her. And half of the time I have interviews and conserts and photoshoots and I have to meet the fans... She dried her tears and turned her head to the window. I contiuned driving and it was extremley quiet. So I started to sing.
(I know all the guys are singing and that it's like impossible to have the melody in the backround but it's nicer to hear it than read it.. ;)
She smiled and cried at the same time. Seeing her smiling made me smile too. "Mindy.." I said. "Mmm?" She answered and dried a tear drop. "I want you to meet the guys." She laughed. "I've met them twice. First at the café then at the fashion show." The café? Then I remembered Louis asked me to follow them to a café the same day as I met Mindy but I didn't wanna come. "Your friend... The blonde one, asked me what it would be like if a guy walked in on me while I was changing." I laughed. It probably just slipped Niall's mouth and that he didn't mean it. "Aww.. Poor Niall! But i mean. I want to show off my girlfriend."
Part twoooo! Hope you like it! It's a little short but I hurried with it! D:
I Love You!
Bra skrivet!:) kan inte vänta tills nästa del kommer!
Hur kommer det sig att allt du skriver är på engelska? o.o
åh vad fint (: meeer :D
Visst kan vi göra länkbyte! Kram xx
Alltså jag suger på att kommentera. Men min dator har fått virus, och min mobil kan inte, av någon anledning läsa din blogg. Det kommer bara upp en ruta "Tvinga fram stängning" Efter 2 minuter. Så man hinner inte läsa. Alltså förlåt för mina usla ursäkter, men jag är verkligen ledsen.
Och jag älskar kapitlet. Slutet gör det nästan omöjligt att vänta. Man vill se Mindys reaktion direkt!