Chapter Thirteen - The Challange

Louis Perspektive
That scarf is Harrys... Why does she have that?
- Where did you get that scarf? I asked.
- Uhm.. I bought it while I took a walk! Haha..
Lies. They hurt.
I smiled and said,
- Nice choice!
But I could see the pain of lying in her eyes so I'll pretend I haven't seen that scarf, haven't smelled that smell from Harry. Pretend like I don't know that Harry is making a move on Allison.
- What do you whant for lunch? Allison asked.
- Whatever. I have an interview in one hour so I'll just change and get going. You don't need to wait for me.
- Is there something wrong? She asked.
- Nope! I smiled.
I stepped in to the studio where the interview was and all of the boys were already there.
- Sorry for being late. I said and sat down on the chair.
- It's okay! The radio man said.
Harry is sitting beside me.
- What did you say to Allison? I wispered.
- What do you mean? Harry wispered back.
- I'm not that stupid. Why did you give her your scarf?
- Cause she cried and she was frozen. I wanted to warm her up. 'Cause her boyfriend was not there to do it.
Allison cried? Why?
Harry's perspektiv
Louis is angry, You can see it.
- The interview's over, let's talk. Louis said. The boys watched us.
- Fine. I said. Louis started to walk and I followed him till' we ended up in Starbucks, Louis went and ordered a Latte. I ordered a coffe. We sat down by a table and the first thing that happend was that a little girl came for an autograf. Both Louis and I smiled and wrote one on her arm. I gave her a hug and Louis kissed her on the cheek. Then she ran screaming to her mom, she must've been in her 6th year now. I looked att Louis and realised he already stared at me.
- What did you wanna talk about Lou? I asked. (I'm writing Louis nickname 'cause it looks bad if I write ''Louis'' everytime they speak.)
- Please don't make moves on my girlfriend.
- She was mine first.
- But you ditshed her, right?
- ... So you mean I can't comfort my ex?
- Are you really in a place were you can ''comfort'' her?
What Louis said was right, I can do nothing but remind her of painful memories.
I got up from my cair and leaned forward so I stood close to Louis face.
- Let's se who she'll chose. The moment I said that I already knew the answer.
Allison's perspektiv
I heard the door shut in the halway.
- Lou!? Are you home?
- Yeah..
I went out to him and hugged him.
- Haha, why are you covered in flour? He asked and brushed flour off of my nose.
- I'm baking!
- What are you baking? He asked with a happy face and held me while we walked to the kitchen.
- Well you looked sad when I came home before so I thought I should bake some cupcakes to cheer you up.
- o..eet...
- Hmm? What did he say?
- I said you're so sweet! But honestly you're the one who needs comfort.
- Haha...What do you mean, Lou?
- I'm asking, why did you cry this morning when you went out on a walk? Why did you lie to me about Harry's scarf?
How will Allison take it!? |Sorry for not writing in so long.. I feel bad! But soon it's summer and I now promise I will write a chapter or two EVERY week! And one every day this weekend! I love the wievers who still check in!| Comment! <3
Hur kommer Allison reagera!? |Förlåt för att jag inte har skrivit på jätte länge.. Mår uselt över det! Men snart är det sommar och jag llovar nu att ja ska lägga upp ett kapitel VARJE vecka! Och eftersom att jag har varit så dålig med uppdatering ska jag lägga upp en varje dag den här helgen! Älskar läsarna som fortfarande tittar in!| Kommentera!<3
Följ mitt twitter konto där får ni information om när jag släpper det nya kapitlet!
Follow my twitter account there you get information when I realese the new chapter!
Chapter Twelve - Don't know

Allison's Perspektiv
I tossed through the hallway, tried to pretend that I was just as quiet as a cat. In my right hand I held a big bowl with ice cold water.
-This'll be fun! I wispered to myself.
I arrived at Louis room and openedd the door. He was still sleeping even though the clock is almost 2pm.
I lifted the bow over his face and the turned it upside down.
- OH MY FREAKING GOD!! BLOODY HELL!!?!??!? Louis almost jumped in the roof. I couldn't keep my legs up, I fell to the ground while laughig. It's hard to breathe.
- HAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHA!!!! I couldn't stop..
Louis got out of the bed and started to undress himself. As fast as I noticed it I turned away and stoped laughing.
- What are you doing!? I screamed.
- What!? It's your fault for throwing water at me! I wanna shower in hot water. You wanna shower with me?
The last words made me turn around and then freeze. Louis stood there with his over body bare. Muscles. It was hard to drag my eyes to his face but after a while they met his eyes. He smiled and laughed.
- Haha just kidding with you! Don't get a heart attack pleaseee? He made the ''puppy'' eyes and then laughed again. Somehow I feel really ashamed and dissapointed at the same time. But I put on a smile and said,
- Haha... Me, a heart attack? Haha.. After a few seconds I contiuned, I'm gonna go out for a walk.. I'll be here in no time, kay?
Louis looked at me.
- Is there something wrong?
- Nope! Just feeling for a walk.. Haha..
- Okay... Bye then. Promise you'll come back later?
- Promise!
I put on a black hoody and blue jeans. Then I went out.
The trees are white today. I sighed and sat down on the bench beside me. And soon after the tears started to drop from my cheeks. I dryed them but they just contiuned to run. I sighed and the air became white from my breath. I'ts cold.
-What's happened?
I looked up and Harry sat beside me breathing in his scarf. He smiled at me.
Oh god. Why do I have to cry now? And why is it him?
- Aw look at you! Your cheek's red and frozen!
He took of his scarf and then put it on me.
- No. I don't want it.. I said and started to take it of. But he took my hand and breathed on them. So warm.
- No... I started.
- Just accept it. He said.
- I dont wanna.
- Yes you do.
- No.
- Yes, I know you, you where my girlfr...
- BUT NOW I'M LOUIS GIRLFRIEND! I don't want to accept things from another guy than my boyfriend! I know you're trying to help right know but the only way you can help me is.... not to..
- Bu...
I started to walk away. And it was a relife when he didn't follow me. I dryed my eyes and walked to my new home.
- I'm here! I shouted but no one ansered. I shut the door behinde me and walked into the kitchen. There was a note on the table.
The manager called and said we have to do a photoshot today :(
I'll be home before you get to say Cheeseburger and Fries!
- Cheeseburger and Fries.
- Allison!? Are you home yet!?
I heard Louis from the hallway and ran there. I hugged him and then thought that he's like my own teddy bear.
- Wow! I want to be greeted like this everywhere! He said and hugged me back.
- No. Only I can greet you this way! I said.
He looked at me and then around my neck. Shit. The scarf...
Jag slutade skriva och idag tittade jag in på statistiken och såg att ni fortfarande kollade int här så jag tog mig i kragen och började skriva! Älskar kommentaren jag fick av Linda! TACK!!
I stopped writing but today I checked in just to look and I saw that you guys still check in here now and then. So I made myself to write a chapter! LOVE the comment I got from Linda! THANK YOU!!
Follow my twitter to know when the new chapter's realesed!
Följ min twitter för att få reda på när nästa kapitel kommer!